Choosing the right JavaScript framework is a challenging task. Especially when there are a lot of options. For some people, comparing React and Angular is like comparing oranges to apples.
React is a JavaScript library built with JSX and Angular is a JavaScript framework built using TypeScript. You can turn React into a complete framework by adding a few libraries to it. But the stack workflow will still be different from Angular and there will be limited comparability.
On the other hand, Angular and React both have component-based architecture which means both of them have modular and reusable elements that can solve the same kind of front-end problems. But the question here is which one is better in Angular vs React?
What Is React?

React is a JavaScript library that is open-source, is used for front-end development, and helps to build UI components. It has declarative views and component-based architecture that help developers create complex and interactive UIs with ease.
It follows the principle of learning once and writing anywhere and because of this developers can build adaptable and fast apps. Facebook manages React and it has a vast development community support.
Unique Features of React
Below are the unique features of React that set it apart from Angular:
- Flexibility of building blocks
- Virtual DOM
- Declarative views
- One-way data binding
- JSX advantage
Benefits of React
React offers the following valuable benefits:
- It offers faster development time
- Provides easy migration between different versions
- React has a more predictable and reusable code
- Can integrate with third-party libraries
- Declarative views offer easier debugging
- As the UI is built effectively, so React offers improved performance and load time
- Increases productivity of developers
- Offers faster updates with both front-end and server-side support
- It supports mobile app development with React Native
What Is Angular?

Angular is built on TypeScript and has a component-based architecture for creating adaptable web apps. It is an app design framework and a development platform. Angular has a collection of well-integrated features and libraries, including routing, client-server communication, and more.
All these features speed up the front-end development process. It is basically a complete rewrite of AngularJS; however, Angular gets constant updates and it has an enormous community of developers.
Unique Features of Angular
Below are the unique features of Angular that set it apart from React when it comes to React vs Angular:
- It has built-in libraries
- Virtual scrolling
- Two-way data binding
- Angular CLI
- Dependency injection
Benefits of Angular
Angular has the following benefits:
- It overall increases the performance of the app
- With Angular developers get clean code development
- Provides quick rendering of server-side
- It has built-in features like AngularCLI and Rxjs
- Angular has parallelly running components so there are fewer lines of code required. It means when you Angular developers, they can focus on other core elements.
- Offers convenience in building, testing, maintaining, and updating apps
- It has built-in support for Observables, AJAX, and HTTP
- Provides support for views lacking browser-side rendering
Angular vs. React

Angular and React along with creating strong front-end apps, also smoothly integrate with different backend technologies. For creating a complex app, you can pair Angular with a strong backend framework such as Laravel.
This combination optimizes the performance of the app. If you are looking for expert backend support for your project, the option to React developers is the best solution. They can help you create an effective server-side solution that complements both Angular and React frontend.
Angular and React both are famous JavaScript frameworks that are used for building engaging and complex web apps. There are many similarities between these two, but at the same time, these have some distinctive features that make them different.
1. Performance
Angular contains everything that is needed for the optimization of coding practices. Thus, it leads to well-structured programming that increases performance. The older versions of Angular reduce complexities in projects where there is no need for two-way data binding.
Angular uses real DOM for page rendering and it has a unique process of change detection along with zones that make web apps faster.
React has Virtual DOM and it is one of the most demanding features for app performance. Using this, front-end developers can make changes and there is no need to rewrite the full HTML document.
Thus, there will be quicker performance, data will refresh faster on web pages, and quicker updates rendering. React allows the reusability of components that increases productivity by 2-fold and optimizes the coding practices
2. Popularity
Angular has 86.7k stars on GitHub and it is in fifth spot according to a Statista survey on the most-used web framework worldwide in 2022.
AngularJS gained a lot of popularity since it was released back in the early 2010s. This is a mature framework and is particularly famous for creating single-page apps. It is continuously evolving and improving with time and is still one of the top choices for developing web apps.
React has 203k stars on GitHub and it got the second spot in the Statista survey on the most-used web framework worldwide in 2022.
When it comes to popularity in React vs Angular, React is a clear winner. It has always maintained more popularity than Angular. It is a go-to JavaScript front-end framework because of the virtual DOM, reusability of UI components, easy migration between versions, and rendering optimization.
3. Server-Side Rendering
Angular creates a static view for rendering an app before it becomes fully interactive. It is in the hands of developers to use the combination of JSON and client-side caching wisely to increase the server-side performance. Angular is on the top when it comes to decreasing the traffic between server and client.
React has some specific features to render the app to the server. It is known as the RenderToString function and React offers significant flexibility as it is not a rigid library. Developers can also use renderToStaticMarkup to prevent creating DOM attributes.
4. Data Binding
When it comes to the difference between React and Angular, the latter uses two-way data binding. It means that the model set changes automatically whenever there is a change in any interface element. By this, the two layers will have the same data.
React uses one-way data binding. It means it renders changes in the interface model only when the model state is updated first. Whenever there is a change in UI components, the model state remains the same without any change. It gives more control over the mobile and web apps.
React offers the simplest ways to reuse the UI components, while Angular can handle different things on its own. Whether you decide to React developers or Angular developers, both can be accurate options to create innovative mobile and web apps having component-based architectures. Choose the one that suits your project requirements.
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